Friday, September 17, 2010

stuff I looooove

It only makes sense to start off a post about stuff I love with something I most decidedly do not love, right? Maggie Gyllenhal. Bleh. I have never liked her in any movie ever. Even the incredible Stranger Than Fiction could not redeem her, in my judgemental opinion. Howwwwever...
Nanny McPhee Returns did the trick. I really thought she was the perfect person for this movie, despite her being completely unrelated to her character in every way. Actually, I think that's why I liked her. Her character never once made me think of her real identity.And the kids were the best farm kids ever. So brilliant. I want to see it again and again and again. Oh, and we probably will...just like the first one.Step aside Chuck, Pushing Daisies, The Office, Glee, Fraggle Rock, Sesame Street, etc. Robin Hood on BBC America (er, now streaming on Netflix) is the best show I have ever watched. Even my favorite shows I can watch half through and get distracted, but this little treasure is the reason I downloaded Netflix on my iPhone so I can prop it up on my monitor and re-watch each scene x100 while I'm typing at work. I am pretty sure someone cloned me, sent me to England in 2006 and asked me to make costumes for the first season of Robin Hood. Watch it, you'll understand.
Major girl-crush: Lady Marian (Lucy Griffiths). So freaking cool. And she wore PANTS in the second season. What?! Pants? She's just that cool.
Pardon the picture, which Sam made me fold in half in the magazine because he calls her "sex girl", but darn it I want her hair. Last time I got my hair done I wasn't sure what color to do, so my stylist brought out the (oh-so-dangerous) hair swatches. It was a heated battle between blonde and vanilla rose (a lavender-y blonde) but alas, I do need to hold down a job and blonde won out. I am still trying to figure out ways to get away with it, though.

I would totally rock this, if I could get away with it (and keep my job. seriously.). Oh man, you know it. My hair was just made for all those colors and huge curls.
But if I can't be a My Little Pony, then I will just stick to drooling over this'n. Allison Sudol from A Fine Frenzy modeled for for their couture collection of ridiculous headbands.
Hello, my idol of huge-eyed, dimpled red-headedness. You make me waver in my dedication to blonde.
And apparently I love ginormous bows. Forgive me. I have been a tom-boy for too long.


  1. bows. yes. i love it. all the colors. yes. i love it too. And the red hair?!! If red would stay that color for weeks and weeks and weeks then i would love to have my hair that color. but mine awkwardly fades so quickly!!!! i love the things you love :) i might have to do a post like this!

  2. I can totally see you rockin the rainbow mess hair.

    And you've seriously peaked my interest in Robin Hood because of all the good shows you pushed aside to set it up on your mantle. Must be really good!
