Thursday, October 14, 2010

1 Golea, a lot of "goles"

Any time I try to type my last name on my iPhone it auto-fixes it to say "Goles", as if that is somehow more correct than Golea. Which is, in fact, a real word/name. So, in honor of my silly phone (Which also auto-fixes the word "him" to say "Jim" every single time. Talk about obnoxious. I am so rarely meaning to type "Jim" and it makes me look super crazy in all those gossippy emails I send.) and a couple very lovely ladies, I would like to share a few goles.

My very favorite blogger, Kendi Skeen of Kendi Everyday and Better Off Wed, has an interview on this other site with lots of advice about life. One of her points is to set unrealistic goals. I like that idea. These are totally achievable, but they are things I don't really name as actual goals because I already feel like they're impossible. Ridiculous, huh?
1. I want to see what my real hair looks like again. That long, curly, dishwater blonde stuff I grew up with but haven't seen since I was like 10. I don't even remember it pre-chopping/dying/ironing/spiking days.
2. I want to be a good cook.
3. I want to learn to speak Romanian before we have children and they use their bilinguality against me.
4. I want to see my little heartthrob nephew and niece every single day until they're 100. (Okay, that's the most unrealistic, but it is also the one I want the most.)
5. Conquer acne. (Mine, anyway.)

And possibly the very same day Mel, the beauty behind Lullilloo Photography, was writing about her very realistic goals and inspiring me to name goles I can achieve on a tight schedule. Fascinating concept to me. I'd like to accomplish these before Christmas:
1. Crochet a cute monster doll.
2. Bake pumpkin whoopie pies from the recipe my cousin sent me.
3. Bring home the big mama jama camera from work every weekend and practice with it.
4. Complain less.
5. Ask people more questions.
6. Learn a lot more about downtown.
7. Join a small group and/or Sunday School class.
8. Respond to the ancient Facebook messages that are collecting dust in my inbox.
9. Write stories. (You're welcome to read them, if you like.)

I think that'll do! Let's see how this goes... What am I talking about? I expect nothing less than success from myself (which is why I avoid cooking and choreographed dancing at all costs), so they will happen. You'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I'm for pumpkin whoopie pies and writing stories. I think you'd be good at both, and I would enjoy both :)
