The first rule Sweetheart and I learned about being married was that we have to make our own rules. You can't expect to start a new life together, following rules imposed by various parents and guardians. They will conflict and it will be messy. So you have to make your own. We learned that first-hand when somebody tried to open a new box of cereal and somebody else jumped all over him because you have to finish the first box, first! Oh yeahhh....that's Mom's rule. So now we open all the cereal boxes at once and most of them go stale, but hey- we're happy.
All that to say, I totally instituted my own Casual Friday at my office. I mean, it's not in the handbook that we can or can't dress casually on Fridays, so I do it. And I know that our corporate office has C.F's because I've seen their list of no-can-do's. It was about 4 pages long, but the highlights were as follows: overalls, bike shorts, midriff tops, bubble wrap, meat, Kermit, other human beings, and so on. Clearly they're afraid that Lady Gaga will try to get a temp job there and they want to discourage this.
Can you tell I didn't looove taking photos today? The sun was already set and our neighbor was out back (thus no appearance from Louie) and really, in front of the carport? Really? Geesh, we need to get out more.
p.s. I made some killah pork chops tonight. Uh huh! Memorable. Of course I've made pork chops every week for the last 2 months, so I should probably have a black belt in pork-chop-tai-do by now. And ain't nobody complainin!
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