Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just add cilantro

Setting those goals was a pretty cool idea. I keep forgetting about most of them, but I am actually achieving some even without consciously remembering they were my goals. Apparently when life hands me lemons, my conscious self throws the lemons back and my subconscious self makes lemonade with the ones that didn't fly very far. Perhaps I should get that checked out...

I've been cooking on a nearly-consistent basis, lately. Woo! Put on your proud face and send me a photo, because I could use the encouragement. Just last week I made lasagna, green bean casserole, Chex mix, stuffed mushrooms, baked pears, and some other great stuff I can't recall at the moment.

As you may have heard, we're in the process of buying a house right now. So of course, we're saving every penny we have and hunting for more, which is a total pain. Last night I had a dream that Sam and I were in this really cool shop where everything was my style and I managed to pick out my verrrry favorite things that only came up to $50 and I was just about to pay when he reminded me that if we spend any money we won't be able to buy a house. Noooo! Sensibility should not be allowed to invade my dreams. Ugh. Evil dream shopping. :*(

In my dream, just after we left the shop Sam inherited Ford Motor Company (the deed was a piece of zucchini...what can I say, I do love zucchini) so I could have gone back to buy those things, but we decided to buy a house in each of my favorite cities and I got a little distracted. When I launched awake (before my alarm went off), I gave Sam the run-down of the entire thing (trust me, it was looong and even weirder than all that) and you know what he said? "You can use your reimbursement check from work and go back to get those things today, if you want." AWWW! That check is supposed to go straight into our savings, but he said I could use it to buy the imaginary clothes at the imaginary store in my dream, and he was quite serious about it. It will be a sacrifice, but go ahead... Apparently he has never been dream shopping, because even if that store is real, there's no way those clothes are actually in it.

But it got me thinking. I was hoping to get in on Kendi's 30 for 30 challenge this time around, where she chooses 30 items from her closet to mix and match for 30 days and she doesn't shop for the whole time. But I missed the boat again and it's no fun to play if you're two weeks behind. So now I'm thinking about starting my own challenge- [some number of items] remixed until we buy a house or get some ginormous unexpected raise. At the end of it, I'll know exactly what I can live without and can sell it all to buy...a lamp. I was gonna say a couch, but yeah right. We don't want a $30 couch ghettofying our new house.

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