Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dragging my feet

As you can tell, I'm not really into this blogging thing, whole heartedly. The fact that anyone can find my blog in a random Google search really freaks me out and typically keeps me from divulging anything worthy of the word 'divulge', here. But alas, I'm going to have to get over that. If strangers happen to stumble across my blog, I'll just hope that they don't decide to stalk me or anything.

I finally got in on Kendi's 30 for 30 Remix challenge, albeit about a week late. But I have the most perfect excuse ever. Ever. Seriously. I was on vacation, visiting my family in Pennsylvania- also known as the land of chubby cheeks, big bellies and giggle machines. But all of that doesn't fit on a license plate, so they just call it the keystone state. Lame. I always want to say "visiting my nephew and niece", but that's rather rude to the rest of my fabulous family whom I was visiting. Just because the babies steal the show doesn't mean that the visit wasn't all-encompassing.

I was gone for a whole week and came home to a refrigerator that contained only bacon, ham, pork chops and Naked GreenMachine juice (which he bought for me). So clearly my husband's nutritional rebound takes top priority over my epic fashion journey...
But never fear- I am committed to this challenge and I'll be doing some hardcore remixing, come Monday.
Maybe I should take down the Christmas trees first?

1 comment:

  1. 1. never take the tree down! make it a valentines tree :) haha
    2. you came to my part of the country! so hello from the east coast :)
